CryptoConvert is now MoneyBadger!

Safe & Simple Bitcoin Payments

Connect to the future of money

Connecting you to the largest open-source payments network in the world.

A simple API that plugs into your existing payment system.

Eliminating exchange rate volatility and technical risks with daily recon and settlement in Rand.

CryptoQR API

A familiar, Rand-denominated merchant API that supports a growing ecosystem of Lightning-enabled wallets and all major local crypto wallet providers.

CryptoQR App

A universal translator app, bridging the gap to legacy point-of-sale systems.

Our Mission

Our mission is to make it safe and simple to accept Bitcoin for goods and services, both online and at the till, to bootstrap the circular Bitcoin economy

Our vision is a world with borderless networks of information and value transfer, powered by an Internet-native currency

Our Partners